Saturday, March 21, 2009, 4:29 PM
About, Boy-Girl Relationships. (BGR)

Whoa, awaiting for this HOT HOT HOT topic? Bet so!
I know you guys have a zillion questions to ask on this, right.

1.) Ever wonder what frustrates you most about 'the one' you like?
He says:
- Naivety
- Indecisive
- Irrational
- Love playing mind games

She says:
-Blissful ignorance of girls
-Taking things for granted
-Their superior attitude
-Doesn't really give attention

Seems familiar? Cause many girls/boys are feeling this way too.
So how'd you know whether whoever you like is 'the one' for you.
There's no right/wrong answer for that cause, it just happens.

2.) What first draws you to 'the one'?
He says:
-"Obviously looks, what else man?"
-Chemistry (What's that, science? *Sniggers)
-Common interests

She says:
-Posture "It tells me alot about them."
-Their smile
-Their eyes
-Personality/Gd looks

Majority has it that looks really matter, but does it or not?
Let's enact a scenario whereby Mary has to choose between two.

A - Sam.
Average-looking with alil pimples here and there.
Excellent results, always helping whoever in need.
Joins the sch team for Environmental Club, vice-president.

B - Jonathan
Super adorable-looking, with a toned body with abs.
Average results, always insulting people for no reason.
Joins the sch team for soccer, the captain overall-incharge.

Who do you think Mary will choose?

A (Sam) or B (Jonathan)

Mary listened to her heart, and she knew the answer.

5th, Cherrychero


"SEX the great leap -Friendship broken" - Chrome
, 4:08 PM
A Friendship Broken

Ginny was 17 when she met her dream guy. They got together a month after they met and were inseparable. A year later, her bf decided to break up woth her before he left to further his studies overseas. Heartbroken, Ginny tried finding ways and means to ease her pain.

"Losing Ken was the most diffcult thing for me. He was my first bf and it wasn't as though we stopped loving each other. He just decided that it wasn't fair for me to wait for him while he jet off to another country for three years. When he left, i cried for days and it was thanks to my friends that i felt brave enough to leave the house. I was especially grateful for one friend, Tim. He was always there when i needed him - i only had to SMS him when i needed him and he would say he would be ready to take me out for a breather.

Then one day, i met Ken on the streets. We talked, and laughed... just like the old times. I was so sure that Ken would ask to get back with me until his new girlfriend walked up.

I was devastated and called Tim, who had become my best friend. He came, we talked, I cried in his arms. Tim was great, comforting me and telling me that i deserved better. I looked and him, and without thinking, I started kissing him. One thing led to another and we had sex.

After that, I was lying in bed, with Tim beside me, wondering what on earth I had just done. When Tim turned to hug me, I pushed him away ashamed. I had to tell him that what we've just done was a huger mistake. He got angry and left. From then, he's avoided me like plague even though I've tried to make amends. i never meant for things to turn out this way. I realise now that sex should never be taken lightly. And i lost a good friend in that lesson.


"SEX The Great Leap" -Chrome
, 3:46 PM
It's your choice, but can you handle the consequences?
Much has been said about this topic. Let's face it, it's not surprising if u hear of so-and-so having sex with someone. You probably have friends that have done it, and others who staunchly believe in waiting till they get married. But what would you do if you find yourself having to make this very important decision?

A recent poll done by a local newspaper showed that 41 out of the 100 girls polled had had pre-maritial sex. with figures like that, it's no wonder that sex is not treated as seriously as in the past, because if everyone is doing it, what's the big deal?

The big deal is that sex is not only about satudfying urges, but also about commiting to a long term relationship, and being responsible for yourself and to others. Are you ready to have a baby (or even two or three?), and be a single mum before the age of 20? Are you ready to accept the responsibility of getting another girl pregnant or even being charged with having sex with an underage girl?

Having pre-marital sex, and with multiple partners, not only puts you at the risk of pregnancy , it also exposes you to sexually transmitted diseases. You might be sure that your partner is monogamous but that does not means that he or she hasn't had sec with others before. He/She could have caught it before he/she met you. Most STDs are not life threatening but would you want your future spouse to know that you've had one? What if it turns out to be HIV-positive? Are you ready to accept that you might hav infected others with the HIV-virus?
Whild pregnancy and STDs can be prevented by using condoms, it's not a foolproff methods. There's a 15%chance of getting pregnant even with condoms and there have been cases where people have been infected with HIV or other STDs because their condom broke. With such risks, do you still treat sex as a lifestyle? If nothing else, think: would you want you future spouse know that you had sex with others before him/her , especially if he/she is against pre-marital sex or is saving himself/herself for marridge? or vice-versa?
If you ever find yourself pressured into having sex, think of these consequences before deciding to go ahead. Do not have sex just because you think everyone else is doing it and that you are weird for not having done it before. A partner who insists on having sex because " we are in love" is lying, just not more than excuses. No partner who loves you so much would pressure you. Whith so many teens out there who have pledged to remain virgin until marridge, you need not worry that you're no the only one.


"What's Better? What's Worse?" - Chrome
, 2:15 PM
Be attatched or single is not about social status, it is about having that special someone in your heart that you want to share your life with. There isn't really an enrolment age for couplehood or a cut off age for singlehood. It is all about timing and the level of commiment you want to have in life. Both statuese have it advantages and disadvantages. It is up to both of you to decide what kind of lifestyle you choose to pursue and maintain.

Being attatched VS Being single
A:When you are attatched, you need to plan your finances properly because your partner would expect you to give a decent gift to him during special occasion that both of you share such as birthdays, anniversaries or Valentines Day.
Going for meals and movies is no longer about taking care of youself; you would need to spare a thought for your partner. Going "dutch" is a good idea but if your partner does not have the means to go dutch, you will need to fork out cash on their behalf.
That said, it's important never to take your boyfriend's financial assistance for granted. Being attatched does not mean you need to have less money, it just means you need to plan your finances properly.
S:All the money you have or earn belongs to you and you have the freedom to spend it all on yourself and the items you desire. You just need enough for your own transport, meals and movies and other spending needs.
theextra cash you have can go into your savings, allowing you to save up money to buy the latest gadget or pursue a new hobby.
Being attatched VS Being single
A:When you are attatched, your other half often wants to know where you are and which friends are you hanging out with. This is normal, as long as your partner doesn;t become obsessive or controlling. It is only courteous and responsible of you to inform you girl friend ot boyfriend if you are staying out late for a party or with your buddies, or taking a weekend trip with your family.
It also means that if your other half is in trouble, such as falling sick or lagging in their studies, you should take the initative to offer help or coming out with solutions. We are responsible for our partner's well-being, in studies, health and wealth, after all, we do want our partners to become a better person because of us.
The problem is hwne the responsibility that you have towars your partner starts affecting other relationships, like between you and your family or friends. Many times, you are torn between these oarties, and you have to start judgung these relationships - this is especially when your other partners happens to be the "sticky" possesive type.
S:You are free to go anywhere you like, with whomever you choose. You don't have to answer to anyone else, except your parents, of course, about your whereabouts or actions.
The only other people you might be responsible for are your friends if they need your help. And many times, friends can be less reliable than your partners. When they need you, you're expected to be there for them, but when you need them and they are busy with something or someone else (especially a boyfriend ot girlfriend), you are often on the losing end.
Time Management
Being attatched VS Being single
A: Balance is the key; prioritsing is the way. You need to plan your time well so that you can balance your time between studies, family, hobbies, friends and your relationship.
What happens if your partner does not enjoy the same hobbies or activities as you do? Does it mean yuo have to give up your hobby? Being attatched does not mean you give up your personal space or stop doing things that you enjoy. You need to plan your time well, allcote the right time and energy to each important area of your life.
S: Being single does free up much of your time and energy for you to explore new things that might catch your fancy, without having to wonder how to factor in "together" time with your partner. If you are a goal-oriented person or choose to remain focused to achieve certain accomplishments, then single-hood may be a better choice for you.
Sharing Burdens
Being attatched VS Being single
A:One of the most common factor that bring a boy and a girl from frienship to couplehood is when both parties starts sharing their joys, fears, worries and troubles with each other. When information of such intimacy is exchanged, the connection between two person deepens and this often leads to BGR.
So a big aprt of having a bf or a gf means you know you always have a listening ear in another person who care about you, that you don't have to go through the challenges of life alone. Being attatched means you now give someone a special place in your heart and the burdens of that person becomes yours in one way or another.
As wise people of the old have said, happiness shared is doubled, sorrow shared is halved.
S: You are happy the way you are, wothout having t bother about someone else burdens. If you feel that your friends are able to share your problems and burdens as it is, you are fortunate and should count your blessings. But problems will arise when you are feeling bad and there isn't anyone to share your burdens with, who is "obliged" to sit there and comfort you while you whine about how you hate school or your classmates (opps). Feeling lonely is one ofthe biggest complains of any one who is single.
Putting in Effort
In every relationship, be it friendship or BGR, there are boundaries that are to be followed and unspoken rules to listen to that guide and guard each relationships we have. Learn to understan the value each person has in your life, this way, you will be able to wisely manage each relationship with the right amount of affection, time and energy.
Singlehood is rewarding as i gives you the time, freedom and energy to explore life to the fullest.
couplehood is fulfilling as it allows you to be loved and show love to that special someone you hold dear to.
Whether you are single or attatched, you should always cherish what you have and never envy others of what they have. Instead, choose to make the best out of where you are, with whom you have.


"Which is BEtter ? being in a relationship or not ? " -Chrome♥
Friday, March 20, 2009, 11:09 AM
Envy your friends who are in a relationship? Or are you in a relationship and miss your singlehood? Has anyone figured out whether being attatched or single is better?

It's often true that what we desire we do not have and when we finally get it, we no longer want it.
This also applies, to a certain extent, to relationships. As a happy swinging single, we hang out with our friends and once in a while, with a twinge of jealously arises when we see couples locking arms, and strolling the streets, giggling away and whispering sweet nothings to each other.
But before you draw the line and conclude that, you, the swinging single, is disadvantaged just because you are not attatched, take a moment and think it through before you decide.
Unbeknownst to you, those who are attatched may sigh and think back about the freedom and time they used to have when theu were single. The fun and laughter, the late nights out with buddies and even the extra cash in the bank account.
So, does being attatched rob you of your individuality and freedom? Or is being single is just... lonely?


Thursday, March 19, 2009, 4:19 PM
Side effects may occur with induced abortion, whether surgical or by pill. These include abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Abortion also carries the risk of significant complications such as bleeding, infection, and damage to organs.
Complications may include:
- Heavy Bleeding - Some bleeding after abortion is normal. However, if the cervix is torn or the uterus is punctured, there is a risk of severe bleeding known as hemorrhaging. When this happens, a blood transfusion may be required.
- Infection – Infection can develop from the insertion of medical instruments into the uterus, or from fetal parts that are mistakenly left inside (known as an incomplete abortion). A pelvic infection may lead to persistent fever over several days and extended hospitalization. It can also cause scarring of the pelvic organs.
- Incomplete Abortion - Some fetal parts may be mistakenly left inside after the abortion. Bleeding and infection may result.
- Anesthesia – Complications from general anesthesia used during abortion surgery may result in convulsions- heart attack, and in extreme cases- death, increasing the risk of other serious complications by two and a half times.
- Damage to the Cervix - The cervix may be cut, torn, or damaged by abortion instruments. This can cause excessive bleeding that requires surgical repair.
Scarring of the Uterine Lining – Suction tubing, curettes, and other abortion instruments may cause permanent scarring of the uterine lining.
- Perforation of the Uterus - The uterus may be punctured or torn by abortion instruments. The risk of this complication increases with the length of the pregnancy. If this occurs, major surgery may be required, including removal of the uterus (known as a hysterectomy).
- Damage to Internal Organs - When the uterus is punctured or torn, there is also a risk that damage will occur to nearby organs such as the bowel and bladder.
- Death - In extreme cases, other physical complications from abortion including excessive bleeding, infection, organ damage from a perforated uterus, and adverse reactions to anesthesia may lead to death. This complication is rare, but is real.
Women who undergo one or more induced abortions carry a significantly increased risk of delivering prematurely in the future. Premature delivery is associated with higher rates of cerebral palsy, as well as other complications of prematurity (brain, respiratory, bowel, and eye problems).
Abortion and Breast Cancer:
Medical experts are still researching and debating the linkage between abortion and breast cancer. Here are some important facts:
Carrying your first pregnancy to full term gives protection against breast cancer. Choosing abortion causes loss of that protection. A number of reliable studies have concluded that there may be a link between abortion and the later development of breast cancer. A 1994 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found: “Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”
Emotional and Psychological Impact:
There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in both emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years. This psychological response is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of the symptoms are:
- Eating disorders
- Relationship problems
- Guilt
- Depression
- Flashbacks of abortion
- Suicidal thoughts
- Sexual dysfunction
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Spiritual Consequences



Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 1:04 PM
"Don't leave the one you love for the one you like
because the one you like will leave for the one they love."
After breaking up,
Just let go.
They're just not worth for you to wait for.
Move on.
They won't turn back and return back to your side.
You still have to get on with your life.
Why stop at where you fell down?
Pick yourself up and continue with your life.
If you threaten him with stupid dangerous things,
He would feel better than he broke up with you beforehand.
Tell yourself that you are worth more than him,
And you will find someone better.
Way better.
If you fail one time,
Don't get discouraged.
Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before inventing the light bulbs.
If he got discourage and did not continue to do his experiment,
Do you think we will have any light bulbs now?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 4:03 PM

All of the options- abortion, or raising the baby, or allowing another family to adopt the baby- can carry emotional pain and personal sacrifice. But what you usually don't find in any abortion information, either pro or con, is a clear statement of what God offers this woman. He has something to say to her in the midst of her pain and confusion.
God does not need to weigh the pros and cons of abortion. He is larger than our confined spaces and limited views. He sees situations from the vantage point of what he can do for those who will turn to him. So to the woman who is considering an abortion, he might want her to hear his heart: "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." Psalms 145:8-9

When the Bible says that God is "good to all; he has compassion on all he has made," that means he is able to be good to both, to be compassionate to both the woman and the baby.
The woman may feel she is in a trapped, polarized position. Either she can be compassionate to herself, given all her circumstances, and have the abortion; or she can be compassionate to the baby, allowing it to be born.
Yet God says he is "good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." If he is able to be good to both, to be compassionate to both the woman and the baby, he must have solutions we don't see. Because God is more than capable of doing what he says, it becomes clear why he says, "Do not kill." Rather, God must know that if the woman will look to him to provide, he is capable of meeting her needs and the baby's needs.
It is God's character to respond to those who will turn to him and obey him. "The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing." Psalms 145:15-16 For those who will look to God, he offers to meet their needs.
The abortion information may not mention it, but consider this: "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfils the desires of those who fear him." Psalms 145:18-19 Fear him? It means to reverence Him. Those who fear God are those who acknowledge him as God over their lives and that he is God over the life of the baby also. He is rightfully God, and not ourselves. "He fulfils the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them."
Will God really hear this woman's prayer if she seeks to follow him? Yes. "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil." 1 Peter 3:12
Is it hard to do what is right? It would be if she were totally on her own. If all the work, all the effort, all future for her life remained solely on her shoulders, then often doing what it right seems impossible. But God says we are not alone. We are not isolated in this world. A lot of abortion information neglects to mention that he is there. And he is so strong, so capable. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's might hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:5-7

In the midst of tiring debates on the pros and cons of abortion, God is there, asking the woman in turmoil to turn to him, that he may show his compassion on all that he has made. Here is abortion information that God may want her to know: He will lift her up, meet her needs and her baby's needs, if she will let him be her God.

Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life changing event with significant physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion and its risks.
Spiritual Consequences
People have different understandings of God. Whatever your present beliefs may be, there is a spiritual side to abortion that deserves to be considered. Having an abortion may affect more than just your body and your mind- it may have an impact on your relationship with God. What is God's desire for you in this situation? How does God see your unborn child? These are important questions to consider.


, 10:47 AM

You held my hand and promised we would be together...

Whispered sweet reassurances that I accepted into my ears...

But what was I hoping for?...
You're gone.

I hate you for doing this to me...
Why can't these tears stop?...
Why in the world...

My world is getting darker...



Have you forgotten me?

My friends and family...

Your gentle light casts great joy over this capering darkness that surrounds me...

But the sadness that's stabbing my heart will not go away...

When will it?...

What's that light?

I've never seen something so luminous from the day my soul wallowed in darkness...

Callings of my name...

Who's there?

In love with me?...
But I'm not good enough for you.
This love will only end up in tragedy.
Leave me and find someone else...

" Love will find its way through the darkest hours..."
You tell me.
"Give yourself a chance."

So I did.
So must you.


" Forbidden LOVE What it teaches you " -Chrome
Monday, March 16, 2009, 5:17 PM
-It expands your life-
A guy you're willing to take a risk on is probably someone unique - someone diffrent from the typical guys in your school. Being with him opens your eyes yo a new experiences and ways of thinking. He helps you see there are so many more options for who you can love in the world. And even if he's not right for you, your eyes are permentaly opened to those amazing possibilities.
-It reveals a whole new side of you-
You and your guy may not connect on a deep level than you have with anyone else. It;s as if he taps into parts of yout personality no one else knows about it, that maybe you never knew existed. Even if it doesn't last with your forbbiden love, now that you're away of that level of coonnection, it will be easier to get there again with someone else. Sowhen you do find the right guy, you can love him fully.
-It shows the limits of love-
No matter how how strong your love is, it may not be strong enought to overcome the obstacles of real life, if a guy makes you feel because people don't approve could cause the relationship to end. But realising that love can't conquer all is an emotional rite of passage that prepares you for a more deeply rooted romance
-The Secret To Dealing With A Risy Romance-
Talk to someone-no matter how off limits the relationship fuels. Not only does it gives you an outlet for your emotions, but also makes your love real, not just some secret thing inside you. Plus, you'll walk away with concrete guidance on whether the relationship is worth pursuing so you'll end up doing what's best fot your heart.


" Dangerous Liasons (forbbiden love)" - Chrome
, 3:54 PM
You can't help who you fall in love with even if he's a guy you know you shouldn't be into. But understanding why he makes you feel the way he does will make these feelings less confusing.
he's your friends's boyfriend
you know him better than you do most guys because you see him when his guards is down. There's no awkard " getting to know you" stuff, so it feels like he could jus as easily be your boyfriend.
you cannot mention your feelings for him until the day after they split -- if you do, any relationshipyou have will be built on drama. Plus, forcing yourself to wait helps you figure out if you really like him or just the thrill of the conquest.
You're having long intimate conversation or he start divulging details about his relationship with your friend. That's considered emotional cheating: It's unfair to her and proff he's a crappy bf material.
he's older than you
While guys your age are cracking up over lame jokes, he's much more mature (plus he comes with perks, like more free dom and comes with a car (; ). And it's falttering to know someone so sophisticated, who could have his pick of girls, chooses you.
Hang out in groups of your friends and his intergrate him into your normal life and help close the gap between you. If it feel awkard, it's a red flag that you're not being yourself around him -- which means he's not the right fit for you.
He's three years older or more. Consider how diffcult you were three years ago -- that's how much diffrence here between you two. It may not feel like it, but you both live in seperate worlds.
you met online
He always crafts the perfect flirty IM or Facebook message, and you feel an emotional intimacy, you don't get with most people because you share stuff you wouldn't say face-to-face.
You have to spend time with him in person -- seeing someone interact with friends and family is what turns your parents, and bring a friend.
He seems overly intrested in talking about sex, ask you to take pictures for him, or seems eager to meet you privayely. These a new warning, signs that what he's feeling isn't love -- and that you both aren't on the same page.
your parents don't like him
He's probably tatally diffrent from your parents -- and it's exciting to meet someone with a cool new persepctive on life, instead of the same old boring parents-approve guy.
You need to show your parents that this isn't about rebellion. Make your case by inviting him to dinner, so they'll be move likely to see your perspective.
You know deep down that the issues your parents may have, they're being reasonable, think of another adult you trust, would that person approve of him?


" Forbidden LOVE "- Chrome
Sunday, March 15, 2009, 9:59 PM
How can something you know is wrong feel so right ? [seventeen by elisa benson]

" I was already in too deep...

because when I thought of him,

of his voice, his hypotic

eyes... I wanted

nothing more than to be with him."


Have you ever fallen for a guy you knew that suppose to be off-limits ? When you are with him, when you think about him, it doesn't feel forbbiden. Every flirty text exchange you have, every hour you spend sneaking off just to see him, and even just lying awake at night thinking about your next secret meeting makes you feel wildly excited. It's like all the obstacles that make him risky reinforce how special he is. And it's like this romance is bigger than anything your parents and friends could possibly understand. But the dizzying emotions that make your love so intense right now -- the allure of his mystery, the thrill of getting away with something -- can create a rocky foundation for a relationship. And when your feelings are so overwhelming, it's hard to see the relationship clearly and easy to tune out the people who can give you perspective -- a dangerous combination. Here's how to make sense of what's in your heart and figure it out if your love is worth fighting for.

huh ? Edward & Bella 's love is not worth fighting for ?!?! WHO SAID THAT ?! D:<>



"IT's Time For TOUGH LOVE" Break up survival guide - Chrome ♥
, 9:16 PM
These truths are hear to hear -- but facing them now will help you get over him faster in the long run.
He's not gonna call you. So stop obssively checking your phone. If you can't put it down, call your friend and talk to her instead.
You will never know why you got dumped. Trying to figure out or replaying certain moments that you wish you'd done diffrently will drive you insane. Tune out the chatter by listening by listening to Miley's 7 things or your favourite break-up songs instead.
But... you will find a better guy :) You may feel like no one will ever love you the way he did, but everyone feels that way after a split and everyone moves on. Ask Mum to tell you her worst " break- up story " for proof (and to get your mind off your own drama for a while)


" Your 5-step recovery plan " Break-up survival guide - Chrome♥
, 7:44 PM
Your BFFs are already on their way over with the ice-cream in hand, but here are some other ways you can help yourself heal.

Go ahead, put on comfy sweats, then make this promise to yourself; " I'm going to give myself five days to watch crappy movies, eat ice-cream and feel heartbroken. Then, I'm going to start feeling better." Telling yourself that you'll get through this gives you, not him, control your feelings.

Talking to him might seem helpful (" I'll just want to hear his voice!"), but it only reopens the wound. So, delete his number and remove him from your Facebook list. ( You can try to be friends later, after you moved on. )

Get rid of anything that reminds you of him. If you can't bear to thrash it for good, give it to a friend, so you don't have to see it on a daily basis. (She can give you back when you both decided that you are over him.) If you have the stuff he needs back (such a jerk) as her to give back to him.
Pinpoint the times you miss him the most (do you still listen to the last text before you fell asleep?) and fill them in with something else: Re-read Twilight , New Moon , Eclipse & Breaking Dawn , listen to Gekidou, or whatever . If you keep yourself distracted, the sadness will eventually fade on it's own .

Hang out with your friends and share your thought and feelings with them. Or share with your family members or whoever that makes you feel comfortable ( but don't go sharing to the wrong company! ) Your friends and family will be there no matter what or no matter who you are .

AND DON'T FORGET: that half the world is filled with guys, why are you afraid that you won't end up with one? *winks* ;)



" How to dump him --- ^ the nice way^ " Break- up survival guide - Chrome♥
, 7:10 PM
You don't have to feel like you're going to crush his world -- these guidelines will make it easier on him and you

DO: Break the news when you can go your seperate ways, like the end of the school day on Friday. ( Avoid situations when you'd be forced to spend time together, like on a car ride -- so awkward ! )
DON'T: Make excuses to drag it out. (" I don't want to ruin his birthday") Urgh. Stalling will just allow more timefor your unhappiness to build, so it will get even harder to en on good terms .

DO: Choose a semi-private place, like the school parking lot , the detention corner , the last level of the school ( erm , maybe not, in case somebody tries to jump down ) , or his living room -- it spares the embrassment of making a scence ( or even; crying ) in front of, say, a random waitress at the restaurant or the principal just outside the general office .
DON'T: Pick a totally private place like -- his bedroom -- where you could be talked into a one last kiss or something even more terrible - it will jus cost more pain and cause confusion. Or a very crowded place like outside a major shopping district or the canteen . It will cause more embrassment where both parties could attract unwanted attention .

DO: Be gentle but straight: " This isn't easy for me to say -- I don't think I'll ever stop caring for you -- but i need some space right now." ( aww, how Jacob&Bella ) Keep it short ( as if ripping off a Band-Aid [Plaster] ).
DON'T: Blame him ("You never call when you say you will"), even he asks why. This is about you and what you need -- anything you say about him will just hurt his feeling more.
NEVER:Break up just to make up ! Don't dump your guy just to see if he comes running back. An on-again cycle undermines your relationship than making it stronger.
