"How to Not Stress over a Breakup"-Chrome
Saturday, April 18, 2009, 8:58 PM
Here are some ways to get over a break up quickly before anything happens.


  • Go out with your friends. * Remember friends ALWAYS make you laugh. If you want to get over it, you have to be with your friends so they can help you forget about it and make you feel better.
  • Write out your feelings on a piece of paper. (It always helps.)
  • Do not become his friend UNLESS you are truly And completely OVER HIM!
  • Erase all the little notes and messages he gave you or left on your phone. Erase his phone number. There is no sense in having it anymore if you want to make a true, finished, clean break.
  • Get it all out. 'Cry, scream and feel sorry for yourself'. Wallow in self-pity. However, one day while you are wallowing you will suddenly say, "Hey I don't feel like wallowing anymore today. I feel better." And the next day you will feel better and each day after that you will feel even better. Soon, something amazing happens, you rediscover your smile and actually laugh at who you were back then. Suddenly you are thankful for what the experience taught you.
  • Find some words of wisdom and live by them. A great piece was posted here on the
  • Breaking Up is Hard to Do board a while ago. I kept it, and I read it every morning when I sit at my desk. The first line is, 'Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb you.' For me, that has worked! Reading a simple little piece someone posted has made such a great impact on how I view it all. It does get better, and within a couple of weeks, the hurt goes away.
  • Think positively. If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't.
  • Success begins with your own will. It's all in your state of mind. Life's battles are not always won by those who are stronger or faster. Sooner or later the person who wins is the person who thinks he can!
  • Never be ashamed of your feelings. In the beginning of a break-up, you might want to show people that you are fine. This might cause you to go out and act as though you are moving on full swing. You might even start dating immediately. If the relationship meant a great deal to you then you are going to need time to mourn the loss of it. Never assume you need to apologize for feeling bad about your new path in life. As a relationship ends, you will need to grieve. Take time to get past the emotions of anger, sadness, and loss.
  • Once you can accept where you are and that the relationship is in the past, then maybe you are ready for a new relationship. Start a new hobby or pastime. This will let you concentrate on something new and interesting and get you out of the circular thought process you may or may not develop, thinking about your ex too much.

  • This may not work for you, but forget about him or her. There are plenty more waiting for you.
  • Do not resort to alcohol ever it will only multiply your problems and get you fired from your job, harm your health, get you thrown in jail and harm relationships with friends and family. If it gets to the point where that you feel that you need alcohol to cope then you have a serious problem, and you should immediately seek out professional help.


"How to Deal With Break Ups and Turn Downs" -chrome
, 8:51 PM

Ever liked that certain someone and thought, hoped, and prayed they liked you back? Ever asked or had your friends ask him to go out with you and been shot down and felt that you would never be happy again? Well you will and here are some tips on how!


  • The day that you get turned down, take a bath with some pretty scented flower petals such as rose petals or daisy petals. Having some sweet smelling candles like Vanilla, or fresh cotton is a good bonus. Turn on your radio and just relax. Maybe if you are still feeling down that weekend, go out on a shopping spree with your friends and grab a bite to eat at your favorite restaurant, or play your favorite sport. Anything to make you feel better.

  • Try to get over him or her! He or she doesn't know what they missed out on. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Know that you are beautiful. One day, you're going to meet someone who's a caring, sweet person that likes you for who you are. Hopefully then you'll realize that the other person who broke your heart was a jerk who doesn't have a lot since they turned down such a nice, beautiful human being.

  • Know that friends are there to help you. So is family. Don't tune anyone out. Then you'll feel like you're all alone in this situation and that will make you feel worse. If you let your feelings out, you'll realize you're not alone.

  • Get confident. As long as you know you're sweet, charming, funny, and cute, other people's opinions shouldn't count, so don't let them bother you or change you.

  • Go and relax life will move on just because one guy/girl does't want to be with you doesn't mean that other wonderful people don't either. So get back on your feet and just try again.


  • You can't rely on only these tips to take all your troubles away. Do what you want to make you feel better and simply add these tips to your plan of pampering and pick-me-ups


  • Don't try to plan revenge on that person. That will make you feel worse. And don't threaten him to go out with you. Then you would know the love wasn't true and then he would be afraid of you.

Things to do:

  • Stay positive

  • Some nice smelling flower petals and some nice candles
  • A bathroom with a bathtub and running water
  • Reflection, thionk over, was the guy worth it ?


Crushes or crushed:/
Friday, April 17, 2009, 11:35 PM
That was probably one the most stupidest things I have done.

It was my first time----confessing to my crush in primary school.
And the experience sure wasn't great because for some weird unknown reason, my crush teased me----in a sadistic view. But I still couldn't let him go. It was stupid.

So now, thanks to that memorable experience, I am now both paranoid and freaked out when it comes to 'confessing---of love---TO CRUSHES!'

I admit it's stupid cause it's been more than half a decade but I'm still hung over.
But I'm sure now you know the psychological damage this has done to me.
Scarred for life....

Now, I try not to have crushes, be infatuated and cover up these feelings of what I call them 'admiration' to be due to my fickle-mindedness and probably what we all term as 'puppy love'.

I'm not trying to offend anyone out there, but as a christian, I tell myself I don't deserve anyone to myself when I can't even fully 'love' my family and religion---christianity.

So why are we---A bunch of clueless girls in love--- So impatient on finding THE ONE.

THE ONE who would love every single side of you----Even when you're fat.(But of course tell you to get healthy and shed a few kilos....)
THE ONE who wouldn't strangle your life and try to run it for you.
THE ONE who would be able to make even the worst of our period days to all laughter and Joy.
THE ONE who would respect you, and think carefullly of you as a fragile rose.
THE ONE who would grow old and spend the rest of the white-hair days, watching the rise and dawn of the sun, and the remaining days.

So why not be patient and trust that THE ONE will definitely appear in front of you, like a jigsaw puzzle to the uncompleted myths of your heart.
And girls out there,
When THE ONE appears, you will know it, that's why there's such a thing called 'six sense---better known as 'instinct', that's the time to pick up your courage and confess.

So crushes or crushed?
Don't spend your lifetime worrying THE ONE will never come. Don't be crushed.
Instead, get your ass out there and have fun---That's what life's about! LOVE!
Have crushes, but don't be CRUSHED!

----Your online friend: ASRAH
P.S( Against conventional logic, I personally think that crushes ruin my social life. Why?---
Because I think about it too much. What about you?)


, 5:53 PM
1) Call the person you trust the MOST and have them come over.
2) Cry, its okay that you're vulnerable, upset, and that you let you possibly let your guard down for the first time in a long time. Every one makes mistakes. Just realize your NOT the first.
3) Don't flip out on the guy or girl because they don't want to be together anymore. Just need to stay calm and understand sometimes things seem perfect to one person, but then its a completely different story from the other person, in the relationship, point of view.
4) Some time being alone is a good thing so you can really get your feeling straight.
5) NEVER consider harming yourself, no one is worth that. Why should you give up your life because that particular person decided to screw it up for the next two weeks/months.
6) Since your being calm and know your feeling towards the situation then comes the hardest part, moving on. staying stuck on that person will never benefit you. See that person with some one else you know will be crushing but to have some one you can help you get your mind off things and get over that person.
7) Dating comes and goes the ones who want to make it work when it isn't, are the "keepers." Also now you have freedoms you didn't have before so live it up let them know you don't care and you can move on with your life.


, 5:50 PM
If you've loved a boy for a very long time (loong-term relationship), or even short, and he all of the sudden breaks up with you, a.k.a, breaks your heart, he is obviously not worth your time. And you just soon need to get over him. Don't kill yourself over it, emotionally. And its not worth dwelling over.
Here are some things to get your mind of of him:
1)Hangout with your friends
2)Listen to your favorite music
3)Talk to your family about it
4)Flirt with cuter boys!

1)just stop thinking everything bout him/her.
2)DO NOT, NEVER, memorize his/her cell phone number/email add/whatsoever & delete them off your contact list. It'd be easier for you to stop contacting him/her since there's almost no way for you to locate him/her. Just kick him/her out TOTALLY.
3)Hang out with friends. They are probably the most sweetest thing on earth to help you get through this stage and give you support.
4)Go on a movie marathon(You can watch movies online or rent DVDs, don't exactly have to go to the theatres).
5)Do some exercises, chat, meet and make new trusty friends


, 5:47 PM
Ways to Get Over a Heart Break
1)Sharing your feelings with a friend can prove to be of extreme help, as it will help vent out your frustration and agony.
2)Focus on what is good in yourself. Do not put the entire blame on your own self. Remind yourself about all the good qualities you possess.
3)Along with your heart, do not make your body bear the brunt. Take good care of your body, eat, sleep and exercise well. Physical health will make you feel nice about yourself.
4)To get those deep, yet hurtful emotions out, don’t be reluctant in crying your heart out. Remember, tears do help in getting rid of the pain within.
5)Enjoy your normal life, taking part in various social activities. This will take your mind off the recent catastrophe.
6)Try and keep yourself as busy as possible. This can be done in a number of ways, like indulging in your hobby or making new friends.
7)Give yourself time to recover from the situation. Do not haste and try to make things alright overnight.
8)Letting go is another healthy approach towards healing yourself. Pep yourself up by convincing that there are better things in store for you.
9)No war can be won without thinking positive. Same holds true for this situation as well. Be positive and move on with life.


, 5:44 PM
How to Get Over Heartbreak
Step1) Let go. Realize the relationship is truly over. You cannot begin moving on until you completely give up on that person. Put your former lover completely out your system. Discard the last shred of hope that you may get back together.
Step2) Come to terms with the relationship. Once you have accepted that it is over, you are ready to make amends with yourself. Forgive yourself for mistakes you may have made. Quit staying up at night thinking "If I had only done..." because it doesn't matter now. The relationship is over.
Step3) Stay busy. Keep your mind occupied, and if you can't keep your mind occupied, keep your body occupied. Try not to be alone. Go out with friends, play sports, take up a new hobby. Try to avoid the routines you used to follow during the relationship.
Step4) Seek new experiences. The best way to forget the old is to embrace the new. Now is a good time to broaden your horizons. Find out for yourself that there is more to life than that one lost love.
Step5) Break the habit. This person may have been a large part of your life. You may have had daily rituals that involved him or her. Avoid situations that remind you of their absence. Now you have to find other activities to fill the void.
Step6) Find a healthy outlet. Write in your journal or talk with friends. Get out all those nasty feelings: They are easier to deal with when they are on the table rather than pent up inside.


, 5:31 PM
Ten Tips to Know You are Being Used
1. The guy can't remember your name and keeps calling you by the name of his former girlfriend.
2. The guy can't look you in the eyes cause he is busy looking at other parts of your body.
3. The guy is only affectionate when he wants sex.
4. The guy wants to be with you exclusively on his terms, when and where he wants you.
5. The guy doesn't want to meet your family or get involved with your life.
6. The guy doesn't call you except when he is drunk or lonely.
7. After a sexual encounter, you never hear from him again.
8. The guy brags about his sexual escapades and conquests.
9. The guy is not interested in anything more than a one night stand.
10. The guy is checking out other women while he is with you.
You are a human being. You do not deserve to be used. You are worth more than this.There are plenty of great men out there who treat women decently, respect women, and care about women.Know your worth... be strong!


, 5:21 PM
ten most important beauty secrets ever!
1. A genuine smile. There is nothing in the world more attractive. A smile is worth a hundred times more than the most expensive sparkly lipstick. It was overwhelmingly clear that the women who were smiling were the ones men found attractive.*Regardless of shape, hair color, height, or any number of measurements, it was a smile that was compelling.
2. Bright eyes. While we may be misled to think that beautiful eyes are created with the thickest, luscious mascara, a new make-up technique, or the right color eye-shadow, bright eyes filled with wonder, interest, peace, curiosity, and concern capture us. The eyes are the window to the soul, they entreat us, compel us, and connect us to one another.
3. Health. As humans in spite of the greatest care we may not always be in optimum physical, spiritual, and/or emotional health (I believe we need the difficult challenges to grow and develop). But if our underlying sense of self is healthy, if our worldview is one of peace and strength, we can go through the difficult times where our health is challenged with dignity.
4. Graciousness. That loveliest of qualities that helps us feel accepted, cared for, and loved. Graciousness is a dignity filled with respect, concern, and acceptance. It is embracing the highest human qualities while releasing the base and tawdry. Graciousness is ultimately ennobling and fills us with reverence for life and each other. When we are in the presence of a gracious person, we feel the wonder of their beauty and feel beautiful ourselves.
5. A tender gaze. There are few things in life that fill us with peace and love and joy as a tender gaze. Looking at others with love and care is more attractive than all the beauty products humans could ever create. Whether a mother gazes upon her newborn, or lovers gaze upon their beloved, a tender gaze must be one of the most alluring abilities of all.
6. Hands that reach for others. There is a deep alluring grace in those whose lives are dedicated to service, care, and support of those in need. It is as if the souls that live to care and love the world are filled with the very essence of what is beautiful.
7. An Authentic Soul. Being in the presence of another who is expressing their true self is like seeing a flower in full bloom. On the other hand, when we see those who are trying to be something other than what they are, we miss their unique beauty.
8. A radiant aura. When all is said and done, true beauty is clearly not a provocative form, a mask or pretense, or glamorous sexy clothing we put on our form. True beauty is a positive, healing, nurturing energy that IS us.
9. Confidence and humility. These come together because they require balance. Over confidence can become elitism, even egotism while humility can move toward insecurity and low self-esteem. What is absolutely gorgeous is a being who is confident and has a strong sense of self blended with an awareness and honoring of the grandeur of their place in the universe.
10. A Loving spirit. There is nothing more attractive than being in the presence of a spirit who loves others and who loves life. Love is a powerful force and humankind is in desperate need of those who can share their love with the world.
True beauty is the pure energy that radiates from our hearts.


, 5:14 PM
You know a guy is not good for you if...
1. You are constantly making excuses for his bad behavior.
2. There are times you feel fear and/or anxiety when you are around him. You are worried how he will react to you or to something you have done.
3. You find yourself giving in to demands that are against your personal sense of decency or morality.
4. His words of love do not match his actions.
5. You keep justifying and denying those nagging feelings that something is not right.
6. He tells you what you want and need.
7. He tries to inhibit or damage your relationships with your friends and family.
8. You find yourself wanting to inappropriate please him to gain his approval or love.
9. You feel you have to live a secret life (that doesn't involve anything inappropriate) so he won't get angry.
10. He has emotionally or physically abused you.
